Tuesday 28 January 2014

From Bicycle To the Bicycle

My school was about 2 kilometers away from my home. I went to school on my bicycle but some class fellows were come to school on motorcycle/bike. I wished to went school on bike. And then I told this wish to my parents, they were agreed but with a condition that I should know how to ride. But I didn't know how to ride. In the evening I called my cousin and asked him to teach me bike riding. He also was agreed but with a condition that I would not told anything about it with my family. I accepted his condition and called him to teach me riding. In afternoon me and my cousin got out from the home with his bike and in the evening we returned to our home this routine was happened for three days and on forth day me and my cousin got an accident, we both were seriously injured, it was very tough and difficult to us to returned the home as we were wounded. Somehow we returned to our home, we both didn't told to our family that we got an accident and were injured. Next day my mother came to raise me from my bed for school but I could not get up. When they saw my injuries and asked me that how did I get it, as I did not have any way therefore I told them the whole story, my parents both scolded hardly me and my cousin. And at length all the family members made the decision they would not make buying me the bike, I was very anxious about that how would I fulfilled my wish to get a bike. At that time I got the idea to persuade my uncle to bought me a bike, and it was my good luck that he was agreed. After four days I got the bike but with the condition not to rode the bike in evening, but I bear this condition and agreed I didn't take any tension about the condition I just only want to got a bike for and I got. But I was unfortunate, One day was riding a bike in the ground and was enjoying, I saw my younger cousin watching me for half an hour, I thought that why don't I teaching him how to ride. Then I asked him to wanna learn how to ride he said yes, then I replied him get on the bike. All the situation was going good but the time came and the was out of control of my cousin then I tried to control it but my bike were slipped we both were badly injured, somehow we returned to our home and once again I was scolded not only by my parents also by my uncle and then the bike were stripped by me and my bicycle given back to me for going to school. And it was the journey from bicycle to the bicycle. 

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